Webalizer is a Web analytics system designed
to enable businesses to easily analyze the traffic to their
website(s) and create detailed, insightful, and intuitive
reports. Basically, webalizer is a log-analysis program, but
its sophisticated unique visitor reporting goes far beyond
what was available up until now. webalizer represents more
than 8 years of development, and is in our view the most advanced
Web analytics package available today. Combining proven datacenter-class
performance with unprecedented ease-of-use, webalizer is the
best choice for businesses of all sizes. |
The fast interactive and multilingual reporting interface with
filtering, date range control, sorting, time series analysis, business-ready
graphics, export capabilities, and built-in help.
Reports include:
- Unique visitors and sessions, visitors and sessions by day,
visitor loyalty, session frequency, and traffic summary
- Sessions, pageviews, hits, bytes, and visitor summary
- Requested pages, downloads, page query terms, posted forms,
status and errors, hits and bytes downloaded per directory,
file, and file type
- Entrance pages, exit pages, click paths, click to and click
from, length of pageview, depth of session, and length of session
- Referrals, search terms, search engines, and referral errors
- Domains, Countries, and IP addresses
- Browsers, platforms, and robots
Have confidence in your data. webalizer is the most accurate
web analytics product on the market today. How? By using both log
files and cookie information. webalizer captures visitor parameters
and true path data via the webalizer Tracking Module (UTM, included
with your webalizer software), a client-side data collection component
that transparently sends additional data back to the server and
into the log file. The UTM uses a first-party cookie to overcome
the effects of caches, proxies, and IP-recycling to provide the
most accurate and complete reporting available from ANY analytics